Street photo tip: Don’t stand out.

Street photo tip: Don’t stand out.

I know that it goes against everything we’re told as people and artists and pretty much every endeavor. We should aim high as possible and stand out from the crowd. That’s still true but from a results standpoint. Street photographers are observers. We are not participants. We don’t aim to change the world but to document it. 

Through documentation change can be made but not directly. It’s similar, but without being creepy to a spy. It should be obvious that spy’s (with the exception of James Bond) are discreet. They observe and collect data while drawing as little attention as possible. Attention changes the dynamic.  Luckily, if we get caught doing our thing there are no major repercussions therefore this is where our spy analogy ends.

When you are gearing up for your walkabout, whether in a new location or the one you frequent most, don’t dress to impress. Don’t stand out. Be comfortable and mobile. Don’t wear what you might on a day or at a time when you are looking to attract the attention of those around you. Even if you choose to make street photography social, don’t tip your hand until you are ready. You don’t carry a sign that says “Hello, I am a street photographer, don’t mind me, just go on about your business”. If you dress in a way that draws attention to you and the camera in your hand then you may as well have the sign and take the guesswork away.


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